ピーチやアプリコット、オレンジリキュールを想わせる華やかなフルーツ香、 ハチミツの甘い香りやビスケット様の芳ばしい香り
シルキーさの中に、甘くフルーティで豊かな香りが織り重なり、 心地良く続いていく
香りの変化を楽しみたいときは、ティースプーン1杯の水を加えてみると、 フルーティな香りをより鮮やかに感じることができます。
日本 静岡県(御殿場市:富士御殿場蒸溜所)
ウイスキー / シングルモルト
SAKE Peopleでは商品に「一般消費者や問屋・小売店等から買い取った未使用品・未開封品」が含まれております。
キリン 富士 シングルブレンデッドジャパニーズウイスキー 43% 700ml 箱なし SAKE People
¥ 4.980,00 ¥ 1.245,00
Fast Shipping and Professional Packing
Thanks to our longstanding association with UPS FedEx DHL as well as other leading global carriers, we are able provide various shipping options. Our warehouse staff will package every item to our exacting requirements. Your products will go through an extensive inspection and will be adequately secured before being delivered. Everyday we deliver thousands of packages to clients from all over the world. This is an indication of our determination to become the biggest online retailer in the world. There are distribution centers and warehouses located in Europe and the USA.
Note: Orders with multiple items will have a different processing period for each item.
Before shipping, we will examine the items ordered thoroughly before sending the items. The majority of orders today are shipped in 48 hours. The delivery time will be between 3-7 days.
Due to multiple entities which include the factory as well as the warehouse, we're unable to effectively manage inventory. So the actual stock may alter at any time. Please be aware that it is possible that your order will run out of stock even after you have placed the order.
Our policy lasts for thirty days. Unfortunately, if 30 days have passed from the date you purchased the product, we are unable to provide a refund or exchange.
In order for your item to be eligible for return the item must not be opened and in the same condition as when you received it. It should also be in the original package.
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